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Maplewood Subdivision Road Reconstruction

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Coming soon


Settlement on Sixth St.

Dover, New Hampshire

This project was the site development for fourteen new custom homes. The work included selective clearing of forests, stormwater management detention, and stormwater release quality control. All underground infrastructure was installed. Municipal water, sanitary sewer, electrical, and communications were completed in anticipation of the construction of new custom homes.


The site had protected wetlands and a high seasonal water table. The critical path was to control storm and groundwater and stabilize the existing embankment soils. Stormwater control allowed the construction of the infrastructure and roadway construction to continue.

Stoneham Rd Road Reconstruction

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

The Stoneham Rd Project was the re-construction of approximately 1 mile of designated scenic road in Wolfeboro, NH. The road, once a wagon trail, was cut into the existing embankments. The construction had to be sensitive to the upland and downslope topography. 

The work included reclaiming of the existing road pavement, construction of new cross drainage, shoulder ditch line drainage, winter binder pavement, and wearing course pavement. 

As a designated scenic road, tree removals and existing historic stone walls had to be considered in detail as to how they would affect the road construction. Select tree removal and selective pruning, along with the reconstruction of effected stone walls was required. 

Church St & School St Road Construction

 Alton, New Hampshire

The School St. and Church St. reconstruction project consisted of installing new municipal water mains and private services, new stormwater collection and piping, as well as constructing new granite and Cape Cod berm curbing and pavement.

Integrity Earthworks overcame several major challenges including significant supply chain issues brought on by the global Covid pandemic, scheduling around the middle school’s summer programs, and completion demands before the formal fall semester school opening.

The existing municipal water mains and all private services remained in service during construction. As the new infrastructure was commissioned, the old water mains and services were abandoned.

Ossipee Mountain Estates

Ossipee, New Hampshire

Ossipee Mountain Estates water improvement project consisted of the construction of an all new underground water distribution piping system to over 100 homes and the construction of new roadways. The major challenges on this project were the amount of unmarked, unknown active existing underground utilities. The Co-op was developed over 35 years ago, evolving from a seasonal campground to its current use of housing over 100 pre-manufactured homes.

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